Mundi Decor

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Frequently Asked Questions

To place an order, follow these steps:

  1. Add items to your shopping cart.
  2. Proceed to checkout through our website or via PayPal.
  3. On our website, click the “Checkout” button. If using PayPal, click the PayPal button.
  4. Enter your email, name, and address.
  5. If you have a valid discount code, enter it in the “Discount” field and click “Apply.”
  6. Continue by clicking “Continue to Shipping Method” and ensure the delivery address is correct.
  7. Click “Continue on to Payment Method.”
  8. Enter your payment details.
  9. Click “Complete Order.”

For missing or wrongly shipped items, please contact us at Provide your order number and proof (image file size should be below 1MB). We’ll reship the correct item at no extra cost, and you can keep the wrongly sent item as a gift.

You will receive an email confirmation containing the Order Number and details of your purchase.

You can amend your order on or before 11:00pm (PDT, -3 GMT) on the same day it was placed. Contact us via to request changes.

To add items to your cart:

  1. Navigate to the item’s page.
  2. Choose your preferences.
  3. Click “Add to Cart.”

To view your cart, click on the Cart icon at the top of the website. You can adjust quantities and delete items from your cart.

Click on the “Cart” icon, view items, and click “Remove” to delete items.

In your cart, change the quantity in the “Quantity” field for the item you want to adjust.

We recommend Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

We accept major credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover), PayPal, and Apple Pay.

Click the “PayPal” button at checkout, and you’ll be redirected to the PayPal website for secure payment processing.

To use a discount code:

  1. Choose the item and click “Checkout.”
  2. Enter the required information.
  3. Find the “Discount” field, input the code, and click “Apply.”

Please refer to our  Returns & Exchanges Policy for information on returns.

Contact us at for more information on the return process.

  • Order Adjustment Timeframe: You have the flexibility to modify or cancel your order within 6 hours of placing it. This window allows us to efficiently process and ship orders.
  • Process for Modifying or Canceling Orders: To modify or cancel your order, please get in touch with our customer support team promptly. You can reach us at Kindly provide your order number and relevant details to ensure quick and accurate processing.
  • Shipped Orders: If your order has already been shipped, we are unable to cancel it directly. In this case, we kindly request that you receive the package as scheduled, and you can refer to our return and exchange policy for further assistance.

Yes, we use SSL encryption to secure your information during online transactions.

Yes, our website employs a secure payment gateway with data encryption.

Your personal information is private and confidential. We do not share, rent, or sell it without your consent, except as required by law.

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If you have any questions, click on the chat bubble at bottom right of your screen and connect with our team.

Email Us

We aim to respond to all emails within 2 working days. Send us a mail at

Call Us

Now you can call us at :
+ (406) 555-0120
Monday - Sunday: 09:00am - 09:00pm

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